Quick Admin Guides

Quick guides for EBA Next Administrators.

Implementation Guides


This quick guide shows you how to implement EBA Next system into an organization.


  • Contract agreement for EBA Next
  • Users and workplaces
  • Workflow for processes to be implemented
  • Server
  • SQL database
  • SSL and Qualified Certificates

Implementation of EBA Next in steps

  1. Contract agreement for EBA Next
  2. Prepare server and database
  3. Create test environment for EBA Next
  4. Install EBA Next in test environment
  5. Define Document models and metadata
  6. Setup organization schema and users in EBA Next
  7. Enter workflow rules
  8. Extensive testing
  9. Transfer settings to production environment
  10. Start using EBA Next in production.

Install Guides


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Server on Windows server.

Same procedure is for updating the EBA Next Server.


  • Windows server 2016 or newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT msi installer.
  • Database


Always install into the testing environment! Do not install or update straight into production before extensive checkup and testing on your local test environment.

EBA Next Server Installation

Obtain installer from your licensed EBA partner.

  1. Open the .msi installer for EBA Next Server.


  1. Follow the installation instructions to install the EBA Next Server.
  2. When installed, click Finish.



See animation below for demonstration of installing the EBA Next server:



This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next System on Linux server.


  • Linux CentOS 9 server
  • EBA Next NEXT rpm installer
  • User with sudo permissions
  • Internet connectivity
  • Updated packages

1. Install required packages

Perform all actions with sudo or as root.

Run following commands to prepare environment to install EBA Next:

  1. Enable CRB

    dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb

  2. Install EPEL

    dnf -y install epel-release epel-next-release

  3. Enable OpenSSL Legacy policy

    update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY

  4. Install text editor and wget

    dnf -y install vim wget

2. Install Application Services

  1. Download installer:

    wget path-to-installer

  2. Run installer:

    dnf -y install ebadmsnextserver-X.X.X-XXXXX.x86_64.rpm

  3. Update dynamic linker cache

    Run command:


  4. Install services, run for each service needed:

    /usr/local/bin/ebaservice -i

    Use -u operator for uninstall.


    /usr/local/bin/ebamobileservice -i
  • ebamobileservice - serves as user GUI, exchanges all data to and from DB, connection to DB via Next Admin.
  • ebasqlservice - counts documents and marks them read/unread.
  • ebamessengerservice - sends notifications, used for sending documents from system
  • ebaschedulersettings - triggers send/receive on interval, sends licenses data, runs scripts in background
  • ebawsservice - runs Web Service server for integrations
  1. Reload Daemon

    Execute command:

    systemctl daemon-reload

  2. Enable services

    systemctl enable ebamobileservice

    Do the same for all services needed.

3. Connect Services to Database

Database parameters are stored in ebaservices.ini file. Open file with text editor and set parameters: vi /etc/ebadmsnext/ebaservices.ini

Opening firewall ports

  1. Open port on firewall for EBA services:

    Example for firewalld:

    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=433/tcp

    Restart firewall

    sudo firewall-cmd --reload

    See all open ports:

    sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

    Check if port is opened or content is served:

    telnet 433

    curl -i

Set SSL certificate for Mobile Service

Run command: export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen

You can add this command to your bash profile for later use.

To import SSL certificate run command:

/usr/local/bin/ebamobileservice -installhttpscert /path/to/ssl_cert

Enter certificate’s password.

Config files & log files

Config files are stored in folder /etc/ebadmsnext

Log files are stored in folder /ebatrafic/


  1. Use eps script to reveal running EBA services:


    OR locate installed services:

    locate ebasettingsservice

  2. Check status of service:

    systemctl status ebaservice-name


    systemctl status ebamobileservice

  3. Check journalctl for detailed systemd log:

    sudo journalctl -xe

  4. Restart service

    systemctl stop ebaservice-name


    systemctl stop ebasqlqueueservice ; systemctl start ebasqlqueueservice
    systemctl stop ebamessengerservice; systemctl start ebamessengerservice
    systemctl stop ebaschedulerservice; systemctl start ebaschedulerservice
    systemctl stop ebafirewallservice ; systemctl start ebafirewallservice
    systemctl stop ebasettingsservice ; systemctl start ebasettingsservice
    systemctl stop ebamobileservice   ; systemctl start ebamobileservice
    systemctl stop ebawsservice 	  ; systemctl start ebawsservice
    systemctl stop ebaexchangeservice ; systemctl start ebaexchangeservice
  5. Enable Debug log for QT

    sudo sed -E -i "s/(\*\.debug\=)false/\1true/" /usr/share/qt5/qtlogging.ini

  6. Oracle drivers

    Don’t forget to install Oracle drivers if you need to connect to Oracle DB.

    wget https://download.eba.si/nightly/linux/centos9/oracle-instantclient-basic-

  7. Download log file from CMD to your device

    Zip log file:

    tar cvzf ~/logname.tar.gz log_file

    Download zipped log file to your device: scp eba@hostname:logname.tar.gz logname.tar.gz

  8. Error while executing DNF update:

    System requires libQt5Sql.so.5(Qt_5.15.3_PRIVATE_API)(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed

    Run update with –allowersing option:

sudo dnf update --allowerasing


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Server on Windows Subsystem for Linux.


  • Windows server 2016 or newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT msi installer.


Always install into the testing environment! Do not install or update straight into production before extensive checkup and testing on your local test environment.

Install Ubuntu into WSL

  1. Open the start menu search and look for Windows features on or off.


  2. Check Virtual Machine Platform and Windows Subsystem for Linux.


  3. The computer will restart after clicking OK.

  4. In File Explorer a new folder Linux has been created.

  5. Open Command Prompt with administrative privileges and type wsl. We can see there aren’t any distributions installed for WSL yet.

  6. Type wsl --update do install wsl on your computer. img02

  7. Type wsl --list --online to see valid distributions that can be installed. The latest one is recommended. img03

  8. Type wsl --install -d and name of distribution. For example we use Ubuntu 24.04 distro: wsl --install -d Ubuntu-24.04.


  9. The WSL is ready to use.

EBA Next Server Installation

Obtain installer from your licensed EBA partner.

  1. Navigate to the directory where you want to download EBA Next.
  2. Follow the Next Server - Linux Install Guide to proceed.


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.

The EBA Next Edge Apps are a suite of applications designed to extend the capabilities of the EBA Document Management System. These applications enhance functionality, improve user experience, and provide specialized tools tailored to specific needs.


  • Windows 10 or newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.

Install guide

  1. Open the .msi installer for EBA Next Edge App.


  2. Click Next.


  3. Select the following features to install:

    • Core files: essential files for the functionality, integration and performance of the App within EBA Next.
    • EBA Next Connector: Connection to scanner, OCR on documents, modifying original documents, Windows store certificates
    • EBA Next Admin: Administrator tool for setting the system for use.
    • EBA Next Developer: tool for developers for building scripts and reports. Includes tools for administrators: SQL browser and comspy.
    • EBA Next Printer: a virtual printer - user can directly “print” into the EBA Next. No need to physically print and then scan the document to the system.
    • EBA Next Legacy: COM interface.


  4. Follow the instructions of the installation wizard.

  5. When everything is installed, click Finish.





This quick guide shows how to prepare a SQL database for EBA Next system.

Supported database types:

  • Postgres SQL 12 or newer.
  • MS SQL 2016 or newer.
  • Oracle 12 or newer.

Common procedures for all database types

  1. SQL user to connect to database with r/w rights. Preferably role database owner.
  2. Enough resources regarding users number. See system requirements.
  3. Enough disk space to write content. See system requirements.
  4. Allow ebamobliservice to connect to sql server

Create tables for EBA Next

  1. Make sure you have prepared database for use
  2. Make sure you have entered database connection details into ebaservices.ini
  3. Create tables:
    1. On Windows:
      1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\EBA Next Server\bin
      2. Run command in CMD: ebamobile.exe -updatedb
    2. On Linux:
      1. Run command: /usr/local/bin/ebamobile -updatedb

Configure MS SQL database

  1. Create MS SQL user using SQL authentication and not Windows. Set default language for this user to English.

  2. Set Collation on: “Language_CI_AS”. Collation must have CI – character insensitive.

  3. Preventing deadlocks: When new database is created, before using it execute SQL queries as database administrator (sa):


    Replace “MyDatabase” with actual EBA Next database name.

    SQL queries must not be executed simultaneously(execute one and when its done start the other one), and must be executed on each database in case you are using more databases for EBA Next.

  4. Enable document locking: To enable the document locking two SQL queries must be executed, and must not be executed simultaneously:


    Replace “SqlUser” with actual sql user which uses EBA Next database. Execute SQL queries as a user with access to master database (sa).

  5. Prevent large log files

    MS SQL server by default records very detailed data in the log files. That means that log files become large and occupy a lot of disc space. To avoid this situation set database log option to “simple”. This can also be done by executing SQL query:


    Replace “YourDatabaseName” with actual database name for EBA Next.

  6. Install FTS module.

Configure Oracle SQL database

  1. Request Oracle drivers from Licensed partner.

  2. Extract drivers into bin subfolder of EBA Next Edge Apps installation. Do the same for EBA application services, extract drivers into bin subfolder.

  3. In ebaservices.ini set connection to database copying whole connection string from tnsnames.ora file.

  4. Execute following queries on instance:


    You need to extract drivers for every client, who wants to connect to Oracle database.


This quick guide shows how to setup EBA Next services for use.

Each service has it own settings set by configuration (.ini) file.

An ‘.ini’ files are configuration files that define various settings for different services. Each of these ‘.ini’ files contains parameters and options that control the behavior of the associated service. Here’s a breakdown of what each of these services represents.

Configuration files location:

  • Windows: C:\Programdata\EBADMSNext
  • Linux: /etc/ebadmsnext/

Note: Always open ini files in text editor with elevated (admin) rights.


  • Installed EBA Next Server
  • SQL database prepared - PostgreSQL, MS SQL or Oracle.
  • SSL certificate

Services descriptions

  • ebamobileservice - serves as user GUI, exchanges all data to and from DB, connection to DB via Next Edge Apps.
  • ebasqlservice - counts documents and marks them read/unread.
  • ebamessengerservice - notifications and sending documents via internal mail server
  • ebaschedulersettings - triggers send/receive on interval, sends licenses data, runs scheduled scripts or tasks in background
  • ebawsservice - runs Web Service server for API integrations

1. Setup Database Connection

Connection between services and SQL database is set in ebaservices.ini file.

NOTE: Open text editor with admin privileges to edit and save settings.

  • dbType: database type (postgresql, mysql, oracle, virga).
  • dbName: name of your database.
  • host: IP of your database.
  • port: port where connection with database is.
  • username: SQL user username
  • password: SQL user’s password

Note: after the first successful connection, the password is encrypted and is no longer visible.

1.2 Example of .ini file

Here is the demonstration of an ebaservices.ini file:


1.3 Demonstrating video

Here is the video showing how to access ebaservices.ini on Windows system.


2. Setup EBA Mobile Service

EBA Mobile Service is essential service to setup the system and launch user GUI. It is possible to launch the service in HTTP or HTTPS mode but we recommend using HTTPS. You can however use webserver or proxy server to put ebamobileservice under SSL connection.

  1. Open and edit settings. Uncomment the lines to apply the settings.
  2. Required settings are:
    1. serverName - enter server’s hotname or IP
    2. servicePort - define local port for service to run
    3. mobileHttpPort or mobileHttpsPort - define external port for connections to service
    4. sslCertificate - enter id of SSL certificate
    5. proxyPassword - generate with ebaautomation4
  3. Import SSL certificate. SSL certificate is necessary for ebamobileservice to communicate with DB and Edge Apps via encrypted connection.
    1. On Windows:
      1. Run CMD or Powershell as admin.
      2. Go to directory C:\Program Files\EBA Next Server\bin.
      3. Run ebamobileservice.exe -installhttpscert "path-to-cert".
      4. Enter certificate’s password.
      5. Copy displayed cert ID and enter it under sslCertificate parameter in ebamobileservice.ini.
      6. Start ebamobileservice with Services.msc app.
    2. On Linux:
      1. Run command: export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen
      2. To import SSL certificate run command: /usr/local/bin/ebamobileservice -installhttpscert /path/to/ssl_cert
      3. Copy displayed cert ID and enter it under sslCertificate parameter in ebamobileservice.ini.
      4. Start ebamobileservice with systemctl start command.
  4. Generate proxy password with ebaautomation4:
    1. On Windows:
      1. Run CMD or Powershell as admin.
      2. Go to directory C:\Program Files\EBA Next Server\bin.
      3. Run command ebaautomation4.exe -proxypassword reset
      4. Copy displayed password for later use.
      5. Password is written into ebamobileservice.ini automatically.
    2. On Linux:
      1. Run command /usr/local/bin/ebaautomation4 -proxypassword reset
      2. Copy displayed password for later use.
      3. Password is written into ebamobileservice.ini automatically.

3. Setup other EBA services

All other services are setup in similar fashion.

ServerName and serverPort settings are always required.

4. Setup Automation

Automation is an application triggered by Scheduler service or its tasks. There are several settings that can be set in automation.ini file:

This .ini settings file configures various aspects of an automation system related to EBA services. Here’s a brief breakdown:

  1. Path Formatting: Paths use forward slashes (/), and backslashes () indicate line continuation.
  2. Database Configuration: It includes another configuration file, ebaservices.ini, to read database connection parameters.
  3. Logging: Specifies the log file path and log level. (Debug or Release)
  4. Server Connection: Sets the endpoint URL for connecting to the EBA server, with optional timeout settings for connection, sending, and receiving data. Endpoint can be either production or test.
  5. Report Settings: Defines a directory for reports and limits the number of saved reports to 10, with older reports being deleted.
  6. File Integration: Lists directories for input, output, temporary, and error files.
  7. Process Commands: Allows defining commands for pre- and post-processing data
  8. Library Path: Optionally points to a directory for required SQL drivers.
  9. Backup Settings: Defines a backup directory, file naming convention, and retention settings.
  10. Encoding: Specifies the encoding used for input and output, with options for various character encodings like Latin1, UTF-8, and CP1250.


EBA Next administrator is part of EBA Next Edge Apps installation package and is used for setting up EBA Next system.


  • EBA Next server installed
  • ebamobileservice up and running
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

Setup connection to EBA Admin

  1. Open EBA Next Admin.


  2. Click on hamburger menu in upper right corner and select “Settings”


  3. Add new connection and name it.

  4. Click on connection and enter details:

    1. URL server address: Enter URL and port of server where ebamobileservice runs - format hostname:port.
    2. Password: Enter Proxy password that was generated with ebaautomation4.
    3. Test connection to see if you have connectivity to ebamobileservice.
    4. Accept SSL certificate that was used during setup.
  5. After successfully entering connection details restart EBA Next Admin.

  6. Now you can login to EBA Next system.

Video instructions



Each EBA Next system must be registered as company, regardless if is it test or production environment.


  • EBA Next server installed
  • ebamobileservice up and running
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Connection to ebamobileservice in EBA Next Admin
  • Qualified certificate in pfx or p12 format - Supreme Administrator
  • Endpoint setup in EBA Admin (%programdata%/EBADMSNext/init.ini) - production or test

How to register a company in EBA Next Admin

  1. Setup connection in EBA Next Admin.
  2. Select connection to register.
  3. Click on “Company registration” link below text.
  4. Import qualified certificate for Supreme Administrator under File>Import Certificate.
  5. Enter registration details for company.
  6. Sign and send registration form.
  7. Send notification about registration to support@ebadms.com
  8. When confirmed you can perform first login.

Organization and Users Setup


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.


  • Windows 10 newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

  1. First step
  2. Second step


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.


  • Windows 10 newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

  1. First step
  2. Second step


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.


  • Windows 10 newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

  1. First step
  2. Second step

Document Models Setup


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.


  • Windows 10 newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

  1. First step
  2. Second step


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.


  • Windows 10 newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

  1. First step
  2. Second step

Documents Capture Setup


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.


  • Windows 10 newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

  1. First step
  2. Second step


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.


  • Windows 10 newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

  1. First step
  2. Second step


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.


  • Windows 10 newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

  1. First step
  2. Second step

Documents Share And Signing


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.


  • Windows 10 newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

  1. First step
  2. Second step


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.


  • Windows 10 newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

  1. First step
  2. Second step

Documents Exchange Setup


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.


  • Windows 10 newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

  1. First step
  2. Second step


This quick guide shows how to install EBA Next Edge Apps on Windows device.


  • Windows 10 newer.
  • EBA Next NEXT Edge Apps msi installer.
  • Proxy connection details.

  1. First step
  2. Second step